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Buttonville 265

Address: Buttonville

John Button, 1772-1861, petitioned Peter Russell, President of the Executive Council on May 22, 1798for 200 acres. The petition was approved in 1801 for a town lot in York and 200 Acres of Yonge Street, which he sold. In 1805 he received a 200 acre grant at lot 8, concession 8. In 1808 he bought the west half of lot 14, concession 4 and by 1811 he had acquired Lot 15, making a block of 300 acres in total. In the War of 1812, John Button organized a local cavalry unit, often referred to as Captain John Button’s Troup of Markham Dragoons.

In 1848 to 1857, John Button sold lots establishing the hamlet of Buttonville.
William Marr Button, born in 1816, took part in the 1837 Rebellion on the side of the Government forces. He located at locust Hill, lot 11, concession 10. In June of 1866, Major Button received a sword imported form Europe and inscribed; “Presented to William Marr Button Esq. J.P. Major of the Markham Cavalry, by his friends in appreciation of his services as an officer, friend and neighbour”.

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