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Robert J. Corson House 20

Community Markham
Year Constructed:  1887
Address: 162 Main Street North
Robert J. Corson built his High Victorian Picturesque home in 1887. Robert succeeded his father as editor and publisher of the Markham Economist newspaper in 1909. His father, Henry R. Corson had inherited the paper from his brother-in-law, David Reesor. In 1915, Robert Corson bought out the Markham Sun, a "Tory" paper, and continued to publish the Markham Economist and Sun until his death in 1930.

Robert (Grandaddy) Corson was Henry R. Corson's father. Grandaddy Corson lived on the west side of the 4th Line (Lot 2 or 3). He was an early saddlebag preacher in the Township.

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