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Wismer - Lunau House 146

Community Heritage Estates
Year Constructed:  1899
Address: 1 Heritage Corners Lane / 5884 16th Avenue
Research credit: Heritage Markham, Doors Open Markham
The Wismer – Lunau House, also known as “Bonnie View” was built in 1899 by Jessie Raymer for Mr. and Mrs. Eliagh Wismer.

In the 1930’s the house was occupied by the Lunau family who lived there until the late 1990’s. A famous occupant of the house was John Lunau, the official historian for the Town of Markham and curator of the Markham Museum for a number of years.  

Architectural Attributes
The Wismer House is a good example of late Victorian frame architecture. Note the decorative brackets, rose coloured windows, and shutters. The house was undergoing restoration in 2003.

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